Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Who do you mean? I only call you tootsie pop, unless you also wanna be called tootsie roll too?
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
Tootsie pop is candy, it's a lolipop with tootise roll candy in the middle
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
So I guess tootsie roll is me when I'm naked?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Yeah I know what it is but you - *laughs* idk when you’re naked though hun (I’m not sure if I want to either lol)
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
where did momma go hahaha :(
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
Can I adopt one of these little shits?
Tim Burr @criselington
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
Tim Burr @criselington
You can be adopted and go from uncle to child
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
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Mommy’s Daycare Paradise
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
Lol so daddy is here UwU im here to collect my children UwU… ehm i meant my adorable wife’s adopted children… dunno why she doesnt want me to help her with getting more children anymore. But im here now come to me children UwU damdy luvs n wuvs you all UwU… esp you @wei_ying my big baby also obv @kawai_kit adorable baby and also @amarantha even when you hate me for some reasons? OwO
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