Empicca's Territory

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
1111PM (r a n d o m) My cousin showed me a vid of a dyin/sufferin stray cat in their office. So a stray cat ran but was not able to like stop, and so it fell from the top floor. When it landed on the ground the cat was like having seizure. The cat still alive tho rn, but its back legs paralyzed. My bestfriend who is a vet grad said that it might not live for long. Now I am sad.

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha


lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
142AM (r a n d o m) Attended my classes today despite being unprepared. Just wanna give credits to myself for being brave these days. Might receive more or less 19 parcels tomorrow hkhk cant wait to open em one by one. Will go back again next week to the city to attend my oath taking ceremony as a law student practitioner. Gotta book a flight again and make a hotel reservation. Damn allergies.

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha

: )

lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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Empicca's Territory
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
Hey we're just airing things out ok! XD

Wanda @yeesha
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Empicca's Territory
Wanda @yeesha
@amarantha when I got home today had 11 parcels waiting with another 16 on the way. Just saying, you're probably not the only one with a tiny online shopping addiction hkhkhk xDDD

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
@lewd_araragi yea i understand...ya bols might suffocate xDDD @yeesha hahahaha right! I mean...online shopping just addicting. Also..cute stuff everywhere these days hahahaha

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Empicca's Territory
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I had a roommate whose boxers looked exactly like that. I only know because he wouldn't take his clothes out the machine. I'd go through the trouble of folding them though for all it was worth, hehe. As for myself I don't let my underwear get like that. The first time I see threads coming unstitched I get another pack.

lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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Empicca's Territory
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
Y'all ladies crazy buying shit like that

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Empicca's Territory
yaasshat @yaasshat
Meh... Haven't been with a woman who wears any sort of underwear in over 10yrs... Soooo... Gonna call that one a lie. lol I do, however, wear mine for YEARS and nary a hole has been made. My socks on the other hand?...Yeah, they're horrible.lol
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