Misfit Looking For the Most Randomly Specific Partner

vegito17 @vegito17
Misfit Looking For the Most Randomly Specific Partner
vegito17 @vegito17
(Probably) Impossible Goal: Find a single, never-married female partner, 26 to 31 years old, of Indian descent, who loves Dragonball Z and has roots to Chicago, IL.
I've always described myself as the weirdest person in a crowd of "normal" people, and probably the "most normalish" in a crowd of "unique" people.
I may be the only guy on this site that joined only due to love of a particular anime, Dragon Ball Z. In my spare time, I tend to rewatch the show, listen to its soundtracks, play the Budokai games on my Playstation 2, and reread the graphic novels. I also enjoy building LEGO and playing LEGO games on my XBOX 360. I like to play GoldenEye on the N64 and Guitar Hero on my PS2.
I like to watch movies a lot, both Hollywood and Bollywood since I'm Indian. I don't read books much, but I somehow got into Harry Potter and read those once per year. I'm a loner who likes to keep to himself, but can be sociable when I need to be. I have a job I enjoy, a family that I am very close with, and always find a way to be happy and appreciate the life I've been granted.
I'm born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, so I always see that city as home even if I live in Missouri now. I follow the Bulls and Bears with a passion. Basketball is my favorite sport, and the only athletics related thing I was ever good at was shooting a basketball.
I am not very great at adapting to significant change, which is why I am seeking someone who is very similar to myself. I don't know how or where on the Internet to find a pool of people that may fit the sort of misfit I am, so I'm trying here now.
If you sort of fit this style of weirdness, or know someone like this, please let me know! I am definitely the kind of person who would want to take any sort of talks like this slow, from messaging here, to maybe talking on the phone, to then MAYBE moving forward to an actual meeting. My patience as a person is definitely my strongest suit. Thank you for reading through this essay.
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