Searching for Discord Servers

bluuenvy @bluuenvy
Searching for Discord Servers
bluuenvy @bluuenvy
Probably not the right place to post this, but whatever lol. I'm currently looking for discord communities either for RP, Gaming, Anime/Manga, etc. Side note: I've been really into Critical Role lately and I'm interested in getting into D&D.
I'll check back in a day or so.

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
commented on
Searching for Discord Servers
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
This is a text base rp server.

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
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Searching for Discord Servers
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
This is a socializing server for anime and game lovers.

Pete Zahut @criselington
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Searching for Discord Servers
Pete Zahut @criselington
I got no discords for you to get into but I can say D&D is something fun to get into. If you have a bad DM/GM you may not have that much fun though. Definitely recommend asking around local game shops or joining a game online.

Coco @yukiasato
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Searching for Discord Servers
Coco @yukiasato
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