
Blooper @budda
Blooper @budda
Looking for some people to talk to going through a really bad break up and just need to get my mine off things

gtechrepublic @gtechrepublic
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gtechrepublic @gtechrepublic
I haven't gone through a bad breakup before but I'd be willing to lend a listening ear if you need.

foo_fighter @foo_fighter
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foo_fighter @foo_fighter
It is tough bro, hang on in there. Give yourself some time and space.

neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
It's been more than a year since mine and it still gets to me sometimes. The relationship was a mess anyway, but it's the closest thing I ever had to one. I thought I was over it but keep thinking about it and all the things I did wrong and what I could have done better (which was a lot). But I also think a lot about if it was even all my fault or not. I left it feeling underappreciated and unloved, borderline emotionally abused, but I also feel like I might have been just as guilty.
I left it wondering if I should even bother trying again with someone else, that maybe I'm just a horrible PoS who'd bring nothing but pain and heartache to anyone I get close to. Like maybe everyone would be better off if I just crawled into some hole and died.

lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
Alright home slice I'm going to break this down for you. It's been over a year on a as you say not great relationship. Get the fuck over it. You're dwelling on the negative and it keeps affecting you negatively. Stop thinking about it, find things to distract you from it. Keep living live without thinking about someone that was toxic for you. It sucks we get it. It's going to keep sucking for as long as you keep letting you bother you

kuroneko_hime @kuroneko_hime
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kuroneko_hime @kuroneko_hime
So my ex husband and I both got new partners around the same time... I will elaborate further... idk.... man I am happ but life is exhausting... I am completely over him but not over the trauma he caused... no I am not accusing him without sense... I have trauma from before but yeah this f*ing marriage broke me. We are still legally married because in Germany you have to have this 1 separation year and it´s a bit of a difficult situation with him and me. Paper stuff u know.
Now I am with another latin guy (mind you, I am also half Latin, half German) and my ex is with a Japanese woman. He is doing his best in learning Kanji now. And probably trying or being a better man. Fuck this. I am not in love with him anymore and I am in love with my new bf who treats me with respect and well. Something... some trauma... is still there though. From my last relationship, because it can literally drive u insane when the relationship with your spouse ends.. I guess i coped ok.
I wish u all healthy relationships, wether u are taken atm or will be in the future...
Life goes on... you might never forget but u will continue and will be able to use your new knowledge to better your life and well-being.
Yeah that was a little rant but why not. We are all humam after all.
Wish u the best.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk

lucillelelant @lucillelelant
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lucillelelant @lucillelelant
If someone has the power to hurt you that much take it back. Whatever they did to hurt you they aren't worth a crap. Take time for you to heal, be you, rediscover who you are alone. Cut her out because she sounds toxic. Toxic doesn't work. When you have given your all to someone and they threw you away do yourself the service of cutting them off and taking back the power you gave them to wreck you. You are going to have hard days, it's not going to be easy but quit talking to this person and take back the power she has, invest it in yourself. People suck.

αмυ ☆ @auriela
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αмυ ☆ @auriela
don't stick your dick in crazy
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