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If you want a man, die!

@kawaii_kit nah I think I’m good looking at threads rn and plus you know how I am when asking for friends lol. But I’d love to talk about you *looks at you*, someone seems to be the popular girl (babe) on here *waggles eyebrows*
@wei_ying ok if you say so and yes I do know that. Ahhh! I’m not a popular girl on here trust me okay :3, don’t ever think that lol
@kawaii_kit mhmm~ if you say so babe. You’ve probably got tons of requests to date huh? *smirks*
@wei_ying .... no I haven’t *puts hands over mouth* now hush about that topic XD
@kawaii_kit mhmm~ *grabs wrists and forces your hands down* you are either lying to me and it’s happened a lot or you are telling the truth and it’s making you hurt deep down that no one does :3 but off the topic now lol
Yeah well i said imma be watching hiw this turns out I’m actually pleasantly surprised by this outcome XDDDD. Time to go to work have fun everyone. Also I successfully derailed the thread XD.
@wei_ying *pouts* whatever you say~
@gdmh39 glad you enjoyed it lol, stay safe manservant XD
@gdmh39 thank you for talking to her in the first place! XD stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always and hopefully have a great day at work :3
I mean the thread looked fun, so i obv would join the fun XD
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