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If you want a man, die!

@wei_ying STOP! Why did you mention my boobs! *hides face in your hair* no one needs to know nor wants to know about my boobs :3. No you know it’s not my imagination and you know it deep down, *pouts* I’m not a worm
@kawaii_kit XD I’m sorry I couldn’t help it! Everything on you is soft and relaxing :3. *pats head* I won’t admit or confess to such lies but for the sake of my babe (you) if you say so whatever lol, you’re right you aren’t a worm you’re my babe *winks*
@wei_ying you are truly too much for me sometimes *sighs*, but I do care for you and once again not a babe lol. I’ll take that as a basically confession :3 and please with the winking XD
Tbh now that i see all this playing out im like this is kinda cute…. XDDDD please continue
@kawaii_kit yes but you love it! *snuggles* yes you are a babe my babe which is most important, don’t make me start a thread called “Kawaii_Kit is a babe” lol. Sure you take it as that then... babe *cackles*, come on~ give me one wink at least
Awww~ @kawaii_kit my manservant thinks we’re cute UwU
@wei_ying yes I do love it and you! You really are sweet and soft under the fake and teasing flirting lol *sighs* fine I’m your “babe”, I guess we both win something that tonight lol. No one and I mean no one but you would comment on that thread XD... *sighs* just ONE wink okay, *smiles and winks*
Also you can’t just call people your manservant *shocked face*, I’m so sorry about my friend @gdmh39 and no he thinks you’re cute :3 lol
WAITT A MINUTE. IM NOBodys SERVANT OWO! Since I only serve myself UwU! but than again that thread would need to be called „babes of mo“ and than you would start tslking bout all of them XDDDD
Cough* i said the convo is cute which implies that both of you are.
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