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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

1247. αleph-1 is a loser
1248. Lamby just a simp
@1240 what is a Cstch? Also, stahp you're embarrassing me https://media.tenor.com/yBXzBUtiWYIAAAAC/anime-shy.gif https://i.imgur.com/qfTIwQU.jpeg @1242 generally speaking this is a small pool to date in. Furthermore on dating sites people typically go for the most good looking cause personality doesn't have time to really show. Then they get burned and feel suspicious of anyone on the site. Also, weeb guys are usually bottom tier men even weeb women will get picked up by chad normies if they are cute. Such is life. https://i.imgur.com/qfTIwQU.jpeg @1246 Panda has been nothing but cool https://i.imgur.com/qfTIwQU.jpeg @1247 aleph is a gentle kind soul don't say such hurtful things about him. https://media.tenor.com/MvKZZ7JCkUMAAAAC/anime-angry.gif https://i.imgur.com/qfTIwQU.jpeg @1248 who does she simp for? https://media.tenor.com/nqA9OzT3JzMAAAAC/anime-doubt.gif
@1238 Idk if I’d say flat chested? Maybe? Sksksk But, thank you for agreeing UwU. @1241 take a deep breath in and calm yourself XD. I guess it’s like if someone thinks you’re pretty or good looking. That person you think looks that way may not see that in themselves, and not saying that I’m not wanted or anything... I am. I just don’t think I’m popular in that way, I’m loved by people here and there are people that like me but I don’t like people saying I am popular for some reason lol. (Edit: also, please reveal yourself so if you ever leave I can miss you. Can’t miss someone I may not know) @1243 Idk who you are, but I love you too! So much! <3
@1241 WTF? Bruh I'm dead. At first I thought that it might be a jealous girl that wasn't getting enough attention from guys. But then you started giving weird delusional man vibes. Once you ended with, "ya can suck on deez ugly unpopular forgotten nutz!" ROFL, that pretty much cemented it that you is a dude Lol https://i.ani.me/0335/4429/evilcat.jpg @1247 Correction sir, I'm a fucking degenerate loser limp dick retarded sigma boomer weabuu https://i.ani.me/0337/0807/fuckyeah2.jpg
@kuharido I'm guessing that they're referring to Lambus being a simp to fictional characters like Garou or Paula. That's my guess IDK
@1240 Oi you whore! Ghost feets are mine. Ya bish! Lol
1249. I have my reasons for not openly supporting the LGBTQIA community. I'm not against same sex couples and have seriously considered accepting previous offers. What proves bothersome is that of those I personally encountered they all wanted the same thing. One night stands. Or some form of immediate sexual release without knowing me or them. Understandably the LGBTQIA group has suffered scorn as being a promiscuous bunch. That's why I choose carefully when reaching out or accept correspondence from fellow members. I would love to be with another who shares the desire for more than sex. A normal home life where we could live together peacefully and do things that felt fulfilling. Yet with those I speak this to they become immediately put off. As one encounter put it, "Why are you bringing that up? You're talking like a straight person would! None of us are here for that. I just want a sex buddy whose place I can crash at for free." If anyone shares my sentiment I would like to read their opinions.
1250. My ideal relationship is one where we both work to pay for our personal hobbies without relying on the other to "afford our love." One where the other can actually trust you've their best interest in mind and aren't trying to backdoor others that you're actually interested in into another's home. Threatening to leave the relationship if that person refuses to comply. A true companionship where I don't have to feel forced to entertain you every waking second while balancing the financial and home responsibilities as you lecture me about what a man should be doing for their needy lover. Someone that appreciates when I want to sit down to talk with you about subjects that don't involve only sex or how I'm going to prove my love for you for the 9th time since the other 8 were meaningless now that 5 minutes have passed. When you get me a gift I know it's something special rather than something you thought you wanted but now regret so you're dumping it on me and getting angry that I refused it because I never asked for this either. When we go out together you're not looking at your phone while I talk or trying to change the subject since someone sent you another internet meme that we both seen 12 times already. You're actually interested in realistic traveling and not trying to go somewhere impossible like Antarctica by tomorrow before taking a small skip over to Australia and then banging around Southeast Asia for shits n' giggles. Cause that's what every couple does for their Sunday Drive. And please for the love of Gants, stop comparing me to internet celebrities. I don't have a Patreon or crowd funding to rely on for whatever whimsical nonsense ya wanna try out. If you ain't got the money or time then neither do I. Really I'm about the simple, quite, and predominantly cheap moments in life where us being together is the reward. Not the labor. Also if you could be skilled at back scratching and shoulder rubs that'd be awesome too!
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