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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

1235. Panda cant have a gf. THE DONG must be share with all the ladies in the world. u cant contain godly powers with one female
1236. Ghost gimme that Fuckong sweet Huuuge stick. Shame me shame me
1237. Panda gonna ship off real soon
@1234 It's Lamby @1236 Aleph relax XD https://c.tenor.com/4QrP6oAuUD4AAAAC/momokuri-yuki-kurihara.gif
It ain't me. There's another degenerate gunning for you Lol
@1234 Depends on how you define important. One definition that you could go by the most important is by the most popular. So it depends on who's the most popular MO gurl at the time. In other words. Who has the most simps at the time. When I first joined. I suppose it was Mikan. Then it was some Serbian gurl. I forget whut her name was. Then Archer or should I say Archer's feet. Yall got weird. Heck during some time, I would even throw Pandus as best MO gurl into the mix as well xD. Currently the most popular gurl is hood mommy. There's like a whole bunch of people that I just forget that I missed
I’m not popular
@a1ephy definitely lamby. Top mod, slayed tsun chan, posts one meme everyone freaks out, everyone wants to be her friend, she spazzes, everyone's scared of her, yet they try to tease her. Lots of influence.
You forgot @swadian aleph... he was best girl for a while too.
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