Cosplay Boot advice

AspieChu @projectotakux
Cosplay Boot advice
AspieChu @projectotakux
So I did show these off before but I was looking for any kind of
putty (or anything similar) that I can use to fill in any of the gaps
Between the seams on the shoe. The filler should be
-can be colored over with shoe polish and/or paint
-works well with vynil.
Any suggestions would do.
If you need to know how I glued the vynil on, I made a template cut out the vynil and use contact cement for gluing.

AspieChu @projectotakux
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Cosplay Boot advice
AspieChu @projectotakux


AspieChu @projectotakux
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Cosplay Boot advice
AspieChu @projectotakux
I have slight gaps in the front and want to find something that can cover them and the seams on the sides when I am done. anything that anyone can recommend?
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