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MaiOtaku Apology Video Challenge

Hello gamers, an idea occured to me that apology videos are such a social meta in this day and age, that why shouldn't we, the MaiOtakians, make our own apology videos to REALLY see who can make the best apology video!!! POGGERS BRO! You can make a vocaroo if you aren't comfortable with making a YouTube video with your face in it. Paste your apology videos/audios down below!! Satirical apology videos obviously. Get creative! Have fun! https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-04/18/7/enhanced/webdr09/anigif_enhanced-801-1460979310-6.gif
Whats the catch huh? You just wanna see us cry on video huh? Perv
Ohmkay so everythin goes huh? As long as its an apology one huh?
Apology and satirical. Nothing serious just for fun. XD
Dec 13, 21 at 12:54pm
Alright. I'm in.
Hrmm.... I'm game but what should I apologize about? https://c.tenor.com/eAqD-5MDzFAAAAAC/mai-sakurajima-sakurajima-mai.gif
It could be for anything. Just find something and wing it.
Imma just make an apology video and cry on camera fake or not you decide HUEEHEJEHEU XDDDD
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