Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates

mrkingofspades @mrkingofspades
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
mrkingofspades @mrkingofspades
I think I'm kind of screwed when it comes to online dating. I'm not a person who takes pictures, or likes to. Never have, my entire family is like this. The amount of pictures I have from when I was little would paint the picture perfectly (it's very few). I also don't really feel comfortable, or honest paying some random person to take pics of me for profile pics, it just seems kinda lame. I'd like to stick with making a connection with someone either through conversation, or clicking with them in person, but that's been getting more difficult with the way the world is changing.
I think one of the toughest things has been finding a woman that at least shares some common interests with me. In a previous relationship, my gf wasn't very open to my interests, and sort of forced me to do things she liked (granted some of it is my fault for allowing it). But it's also been tough to find a woman that has similar interests to myself. From my experience, some of my interests don't seem very interesting to woman, outside of some sports I play.
One of the worst aspects of online dating, I'd say is the anonymity when it comes to connection. There are not many woman that admit to liking anime or horror or something else that sparks my interest. When I see it though, I usually swipe right. These people don't swipe on me, however lmao.

Error Does Not Exist. @fulcrum
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
Error Does Not Exist. @fulcrum
Honestly it's just better to meet someone in person? You can't really form a connection with someone online well u can but like a good peace of ice cream it won't last.. if they don't want to meet you in person you're just wasting your time with them..
It's always better to meet someone in real life..

Rei @reisenpai66
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
Rei @reisenpai66
@fulcrum ive dated someone for four years that i met online through friends. we met up ofc but i feel like voice and cam calls help a lot when you cant.. but im not doing ldr again

The Pervy Otaku @choicemoonbee
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
The Pervy Otaku @choicemoonbee
... too expensive dates are just too expensive plus everyone basically quiting their jobs now a days and learning what job and life make them happy first. Now probably the worst times to seek dates when so many people are unemployed just trying to make themselves happy.

Arc @arc
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
Arc @arc
I agree that now is a pretty bad time for dating, especially if you are on a budget. Taxes+inflattion are all hitting us hard.

Veru @verucassault
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
Veru @verucassault
I've always hated having my picture taken. I like being in control of the camera. Arc and I just did some engagement photos and I didn't hate the way they came out so if you're willing to shell out money to someone who knows what they're doing, it makes a huge difference.
But ultimately, I feel like I'm more cerebral. Looks and attraction are somewhat important but my focus is more on a person's thoughts, ideas, and ability to converse. I can't say how many people on here have seen me. Like... maybe 5? 6?

Rain @rainx
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
Rain @rainx
On a site like this, and online LDR is almost a requirement unless you meet someone relatively close by (i.e. within a few hrs drive) and both have adequate ability to see each other on a semi-consistent basis. Plans got to eventually be in place though to be together if you have serious intention of making any LDR work, and it's probably one of the multitude of reasons a majority of them don't work out. Thankfully with plenty of cam and app options out there, it's not tough to at least see each other every day if you want.
I have zero problem showing myself in a pic. I had plenty on my profile in the past, but I'm at a point where if I'm going to show myself, I'd rather just do it in private with someone I've at least been chatting with for a bit. Too many weirdos out there who try to cause drama and such and don't need blanket access to a lot of your personal info especially on what's supposed to be a dating site. I'm not afraid of being in pics myself, but in all honesty, I'm not one to be in a ton of social situations where a lot of pics are taken, especially with covid still a thing, and never have been a huge fan of selfies even if that's probably how I'd have to mainly take a pic at this point. Pics of my cats take up way more space on my phone than pics of myself do hehe XD

I'm out, living life. @echo_coil
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
I'm out, living life. @echo_coil
Let me tell ya something;
I have been here for a while, and If it has to comes down to it.
Unfiltered investment baby!
Too many polarizing priorities, EVERYBODY doesn't come here to watch anime with you and hang.
They're on a particular mission, some looking for friends and others looking for RP sex.
Most others just wanna roll around and goof off.
When I go on a dating site, I'm coming for something and this site can't be taken seriously if it's all over the place.
We are sometimes too kind to every creep we come across.
Your not thinking the bigger picture, you let that "REALLY CREEPY HORNY GUY" run around.
He is gonna scare off all those girls, and enabling him makes you part of the problem.
That makes everyone who just come on, think we all are like "THAT GUY".
Cause she will look at that guy, and say "HOW DID THEY NOT BAN THIS GUY YET"?!
Most people don't survive the first day.
You can see it in the newest "people", they yeet the site saying they've been gone since yesterday.
If their new, and expecting instant results.
They're gonna be extremely turned off from this site.
Remember they don't start getting traction, till their on the newest page.
We are unironically doing this all the time.
I'm doing this, the people above my post is.
People see this in top of the forums, "WHERE ARE ALL THE GIRLS"?!
Anyone would see this, and say well this site is fucking dead.
Really think about it.
Were in the best site for people like us, believe it or not.
The best bros and genuine people who should be at the very least given a chance are on this site.
Don't throw MO under the bus yet.
PIMP THIS SITE UP, cause were in it for the long run.
If we crash and burn, might as well enjoy this ride together.

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
Animekid @animekid
Having been here for like 10 years already I feel pretty confident that it's safe to say that this site is highly likely to not improve much at all as a functioning website in the next 10 years either.

mirai_k @mirai_k
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Trying to solve the mystery of why there are so few women looking for dates
mirai_k @mirai_k
Having been here for like 10 days already I feel it's safe to say that whether this place improves or not, I'm still glad it's here because I can actually come here and know that any woman I meet here whether for friends or, hopefully, something more, is gonna at least have one important thing in common with me and that's much better than you get on those other dating websites, especially if you happen to live in PA. I realize that if I did meet someone I really like here odds are pretty good they won't be close and I'd have to move, but for the right person, it'd be totally worth it! MaiOtaku for the win! =D
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