Games to play?

chillin202 @chillin202
Games to play?
chillin202 @chillin202
Looking for people to game with or any game suggestions? Discord is Dillan202 #6244

AspieChu @projectotakux
commented on
Games to play?
AspieChu @projectotakux
Do you play Pokemon competitively?

Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
commented on
Games to play?
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
I completely forgot we were supposed to play together

AspieChu @projectotakux
commented on
Games to play?
AspieChu @projectotakux
@jc21095 oh shit yeah I promised to do battle. How about wednesday?

Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
commented on
Games to play?
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
Sure sure

animefan0071 @animefan0071
commented on
Games to play?
animefan0071 @animefan0071
If you have steam we could compare games and if we have any in common I'd be down to sometime.
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