goku or naruto

rashawn12 @rashawn12
goku or naruto
rashawn12 @rashawn12
goku of naruto nice. But i maybe gong to start a war. naruto fans vs goku fan. find out next time on dragon ball z....

bigdaddydeku @bigdaddydeku
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goku or naruto
bigdaddydeku @bigdaddydeku
Naruto for life

onethought @onethought
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goku or naruto
onethought @onethought
This account has been suspended.

onethought @onethought
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goku or naruto
onethought @onethought
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qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
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goku or naruto
qwertyzbra @qwertyzbra
the characters or the show? The shows are like ice cream they are not the most well written or produced or have much depth.... but not gonna complain about having it. Personally I find both characters a little annoying, just not as annoying as some of the new shounen protagonists looks nervously at black clover.

rashawn12 @rashawn12
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goku or naruto
rashawn12 @rashawn12
both characters and shows

vex575 @vex575
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goku or naruto
vex575 @vex575
Ngl this shit is anoying

vex575 @vex575
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goku or naruto
vex575 @vex575
This bozo ain't even going outside

Lamby @momoichi
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goku or naruto
Lamby @momoichi
in a fight? goku. im a naruto fan, but cant he destroy planets? the power levels are insanely broken in dragon ball z
now, if we wanna talk strongest anime characters....

Ghost @kuharido
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goku or naruto
Ghost @kuharido
Superman, easy
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