The point of life

Pete Zahut @criselington
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The point of life
Pete Zahut @criselington
To me life is a story and you are the author. You determine who you are going to be. The hero, villain, joker, fool, or whatever. It's your story and you write it the way you want it to be.

brians @brians
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The point of life
brians @brians
to surround yourself with as much love as possible
its not easy at times but we can all do it if we try hard enough. it starts with loving yourself.

auntron_ @auntron_
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The point of life
auntron_ @auntron_
Personally, I don’t feel that there’s an all knowing creator, and am certainly not judging anyone that does feel that way... that said I don’t believe we were put here for a reason. I mean other life such as the creatures we consume for example even are flickers of light in comparison to our shining life length. What purpose had they? Or the copious babies that never make it due to some illness, children too, there was no higher meaning to their untimely demise, it’s just the logical outcome our universe operates on. There’s no point to any of it, other than what you make it. Your life is in your hands to do whatever you want to with, you could save the world, you could explore space, you could be the best otaku that’s ever lived lol, you could be whatever you want and do whatever you want, because it’s all meaningless in the end to the universe. But if it was your purpose to you then that’s all that matters. Life has no meaning, we are but a speck of dust in a sea of ash suspended if only for a millionth of a second. Don’t let that discount your luck though, the chances of you existing, any of us existing, is but a mere miracle :). Use your life, follow your morals, find the answer to your question within your heart (^^)b.

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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The point of life
Triscuit @bob_loblaw

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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The point of life
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Man, I don't claim to know anything. This universe is trillions of times bigger than our planet, and thats low balling it. But think of it. Wouldn't it make more sense from a scientific angle for the universe to be perfect uniform nothingness? Why is time and space even here? All matter in this empty vacuums was there since the dawn of time. It decays, falls apart, and gets incorporated into something else, from my understanding. So what the hell is up with life? That's a fucking weird outcome for inanimate matter to take. To require other organic forms of matter in order to sustain itself and procreate or divide. And then you have physics. Its still a mess, even with the number of theories out there.
And you think I as a 3rd dimensional being who can only just barely manage to get glimpses into metaphysical existence can tell you for sure whether god is or is not real? Whether anyone here can?
Fuck that.
Value > Meaning. Life is weird, and compared to basically the nothingness between stars out there, a blip on the radar. That makes it worth exploring and preserving to me.

αleph-01 @a1ephy
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The point of life
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Is theres any actual meaning? Stap being a weabuu
From where did we come from? From atoms in the universe
Why we here? Mommy and daddy had sexy time
Why we must live and die? Basic biology sucka! All living things live and then die. Circle of life. Lion King, ya’ll feel me?
Is god real? No
We just came by accident? Depends, if your parents planned it or someone forgot to wear a condom ,thus it wasn’t planned

Space marine @skullknight
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The point of life
Space marine @skullknight
From atoms in the universe,
From where the atoms came from? From nothing?

yaasshat @yaasshat
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The point of life
yaasshat @yaasshat
It's nice to think of one's self as cold and logical. However, the human condition has a way of stripping that hubris. We are unlike any creature on this tiny blue marble. We create, we destroy, we love, we hate, we are artists and visionaries. Of which species can we also say the same things? It's a little odd, when you sit and truly think about it.

CAC @cac
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The point of life
CAC @cac
I continue to live so that my cat has food and a place to live comfortably.

pok3freak @pok3dreak
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The point of life
pok3freak @pok3dreak

I continue to live for the same reason as well the fact and blessing that i get to see this every day
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