Getting over Heartbreak

saphris @saphris
Getting over Heartbreak
saphris @saphris
It's been five days since my long-term partner broke up with me. She was my home and her family was my family. her friends were my friends. But it's time to pick myself up and move on. I'm here to meet like minded people and talk about anime and games. To make some friends. If anyone has a social discord or wants to just play some PC games with me, I have nothing but free time and room for new social interactions in my life.
Just looking for friends right now, break up too fresh

Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti @petelgeuse_romanee_conti
commented on
Getting over Heartbreak
Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti @petelgeuse_romanee_conti

Time and Satella heal all wounds friend. I too was in a situation similar to you, but now I am here spreading the gospel of the one true anime waifu.
Best of luck on your journey and I respect your choice of suit greatly, haha.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Getting over Heartbreak
yaasshat @yaasshat
You're new here and I could be wrong,but I doubt you just randomly found this site (Not exactly popular.). My hunch is, you're looking for a rebound to fill the void and that's how you came across an "anime dating" site... Don't do that, for your and their sake. Might even be best to not be here "Whatever happens, happens".

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Getting over Heartbreak
Lamby @momoichi
welcome. time heals all wounds, and distractions help as well, and this site can provide that I'm sure
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