
ihatewearingmyglasses @ihatewearingmyglasses
ihatewearingmyglasses @ihatewearingmyglasses
Hey, Just a warning/head's up/reminder to all the guys here.
I've run into 2 catfish (Possibly the same person) within this week alone who are using people's pictures that don't belong to them, and then asking for help in the form of money while saying they have no where else to turn. I know a lot of the guy's here are kind hearted souls who fall for girls hard, and fast. Lucky for me I'm an emotionless robot so I can pass along this word of caution. If for some reason you just have to help someone asking for money that you've never met... At least ask them to get into a video call first so you can at least verify they are even being honest about that much. If they refuse, and try to gaslight you for asking after they asked to borrow money then it's a red flag that should set off even the dullest of common sense.

Rei @reisenpai66
commented on
Rei @reisenpai66
wouldnt ever catch me falling for that lmao.

xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
commented on
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
I really can't imagine how people fall for those.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Laffantion @laffantion
Only boomers do actually give them money

xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
commented on
xxx @__removed_bruschettebites
you gotta have money in the first place to give it to scammers amirite

αlερh-2 @alephy
commented on
αlερh-2 @alephy
Welcome to the internet kiddos

The legendary Florida Man! @shaggydaggy
commented on
The legendary Florida Man! @shaggydaggy
Play the reverse uno card on them, say you're a Nigerian prince.

αlερh-2 @alephy
commented on
αlερh-2 @alephy
I'm actually from the Congo. Tank u very much

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Aka-san @redhawk
On a more serious note:
Please report these accounts to a moderator
and provide screenshots as well

[__________] @code_016
commented on
[__________] @code_016
I kinda want to see screenshots of other peoples stories/encounters. You know, pretending to be scammed or catfished. See what these strangers go
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