I miss Anime Cons

markrodriguez @markrodiguez
I miss Anime Cons
markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Man... I miss Anime Cons so much. Not just regular cons but like anime cons in particular. The last one I went to was LVL Up Expo in 2019. Had I had the power of foresight I would have gone to the one early 2020 cause that was probably the last ever con in Vegas before this mess started. Any fond Anime Con memories?

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
commented on
I miss Anime Cons
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
This account has been suspended.

slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
commented on
I miss Anime Cons
slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
I got lucky and went to Katsu 2020, which was one of the last cons. Had a big scare when ingot home though because my mom had just come home and went through the airport that The Thing had first come in contact with. Planning on going Otakon and competing, but I am getting nervous because I don't have an income, but I am attending university, so I really shouldn't be spending money anyway. To answer your question, there is one story I always like to tell. I cosplayed as Powerline/Max from the Goofy Movie and this woman just absolutely went nuts. The definition of fangasm. It wasn't even that good of a cosplay. IMO. (I have a pic of him in my profile. Look for little yellow. I might have the pompadour wig selfie there too)
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