How was your first kiss?

campione @campione
How was your first kiss?
campione @campione
I haven't had mine. But lots of anime talk about. I'm jealous and happy about that.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
How was your first kiss?
Laffantion @laffantion
It was a tinder date in like the last week befire the first Corona lockdown. In the moment it felt nice i did not really know how to kiss properly so i just moved my lips a bit around and she had nice tasting lipstick that i remember, but afterwards i regretted it cause i did not get together with that person so i felt it was wasted.

Lee @foobar32768
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How was your first kiss?
Lee @foobar32768
I'll let you know if it happens.

darkness_anger @darkness_anger
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How was your first kiss?
darkness_anger @darkness_anger
It was about the end of the date, we were walking in the park and my parents were waiting for me to take me home (so i didn't have to take the bus and i didn't trust him to drive me home yet). Since i am against public kissing, he took me under a tree with relatively no people around and he asked me if i am okay with a kiss. I thought i'd try but it was awkward af. He opened his lips a little and i was more going for a smooch. We tried giving it a go about five times before i managed to "kiss", and even then, i hit my teeth. We laugh about it now.

Anos Voldigoad @tigereyes11
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How was your first kiss?
Anos Voldigoad @tigereyes11
It was at school in 8th grade we usually cuddled inside the slide and after like a week or 2 of always hiding away in the slide with her on top of me we just kissed and that was it, one time tho she nearly suffocated me cause I had just breathed out and all of a sudden there was a mouth on my mouth without any warning which caught me off guard since she wasn't really the assertive type and it was usually me who initiated things

Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
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How was your first kiss?
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
It was taken against my will by a friend who I didn't like romantically. She saw I was kinda stressed and down at the time and thought she would "cheer me up" so she pinned me down and made out with me for a while. Of which she then said afterwards I would never have anything romantic with her XD In a way I kinda wish that never happened since it was a pretty shallow experience. Better to to share that with somone you really like.

Veru @verucassault
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How was your first kiss?
Veru @verucassault
...Was nothing special.

flare3 @flare3
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How was your first kiss?
flare3 @flare3
This account has been suspended.

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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How was your first kiss?
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was 14 and king of the middle school. Why? Because I was bigger than everybody else and I had a high school girlfriend. Imagine a cocky Chad walking around with sunglasses indoors because he felt like it. Well I had snuck over to her house to watch the Inuyasha movie since she got it for her birthday and wanted to watch it with me.
Well the movie was good and I liked it. When the end credits came she rolled over on me and initiated my fist kiss. Now you would think that Chad McSwag had this in the bag. I didn't have this, it scared the shit out of me. A whirlwind of emotions of pleasure, confusion, fear. One question I can remember thinking was, "Shit! What do I do?".
The second time, a few moments later I figured out what needed to be done. And I did it.

Anos Voldigoad @tigereyes11
commented on
How was your first kiss?
Anos Voldigoad @tigereyes11
Damn I can barely remember mine her nearly suffocating me was more memorable than our first kiss
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