Stoner Foods
Veru @verucassault
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Stoner Foods
Veru @verucassault
Good lord. That's a feast. Oo... 2 drinks?
Dex_son @dex_son
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Stoner Foods
Dex_son @dex_son
Well it IS 9 tacos lol. Thats alot for one guy
Dex_son @dex_son
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Stoner Foods
Dex_son @dex_son
Eating Roast Beef & Pork ramen with green onions. Slaps
beastiebox @beastiebox
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Stoner Foods
beastiebox @beastiebox
Second that Ramen notion. Crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich dunked in milk (Like a cookie) or Pork Tonkotsu Ramen with a fried egg and grilled cheese. Took a minute to think, but I guess those are my go to. The Pork Tonkotsu has to be this one specifically though.
The Pervy Otaku @choicemoonbee
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Stoner Foods
The Pervy Otaku @choicemoonbee
You can't go wrong with POPCORN MMKAY. It's a good stoner food very fast when you got the munchies also munchies the chips or trail mix.AND FREAKING ICE CREAM???!!!! MY FAVE IS DOTS DOTS IS GOOD STONED.x3
JEFF @jayashr1
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Stoner Foods
JEFF @jayashr1
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Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Stoner Foods
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
Yo I think I found my soul mate in Jay!
Sorry Ivy, but I'ma steal yo man.
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Stoner Foods
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Adrian @adrian21
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Stoner Foods
Adrian @adrian21
Id rank ribs and steak high i never get tired of eating that
Rain @rainx
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Stoner Foods
Rain @rainx
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