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Scary Story Time

I bet you crapped yourself when you heard that dog
Sep 04, 20 at 10:36pm
nah, but i was like "fuck" and i took all the tools i had on me and hid them in a box. so they had no proof that i broke my way in, and i claimed that the board was already taken down. which would have been a contradiction cuz the sensors would have caught the first intruder. but the cops werent aware of them cuz the dumbass didn't tell the cops about them. and also i had already taken them all- if not then most. so yet again they wouldnt have proof that the sensors were in when i broke in~
Why’d you break in the first place?
Sep 04, 20 at 10:41pm
anyway about a year later, i lived with a dude that told me that sometime after they broke into the same place but the cops didn't get called (mainly cuz i took all the sensors off and they hadn't replaced them by that time) so after that i broke in again to retrieve my tools~ but by that time, those bastards replaced the sensors and they placed them at heights where u couldn't reach. and the cops got called again, but we made a run for it. we almost got away but a cop noticed the bag of my friend when we were hiding between the trees. however these cops were quite chill and dropped us off at home (instead of bringing us to jail to interrogate us) it was mainly a jiggler for locks (which is illegal to have, only locksmiths or police are allowed to own them). so i was avoiding big trouble leaving those there. i mean i still got them back in the end. i find it funny that they didn't give a shit the second time. we actually stole some shit too and they literally looked at the shit we stole lmao xD it used to be an art school, so there were quite a lot of -idk what to call it... decorations? and materials such as leather xD so first time i dont steal anything i get jailed for a day, and when i actually steal some shit they let me off and even drop me off at home. lmao
Sep 04, 20 at 10:47pm
@jc21095 i broke in cuz i wanted to own that building. it was an old building in gothic style. under certain laws you can occupy abandoned buildings and live there. after a certain period of time you may even claim ownership over it however only if you have occupied it for a certain period of time, AND the owner has 60 days to put an objection in when you make the claim. there's some sweet loopholes in law.
Sep 04, 20 at 10:54pm
This: is what i wanted. All to myself. it had a huge gym in it which also had a scene, perfect for illegal parties :> here's the coordinates. 54.911218, -1.398071
That building is creepy as fuck
Sep 04, 20 at 10:59pm
now now. imagine all the amazing stories i would have created if i was living in there and some daredevil teens would break in there? :> they'd be running out crying. maybe shitting their pants x3 certainly it is a very nice horror atmosphere. especially the water tap you hear running in the basement..
Sep 04, 20 at 11:02pm
there's some interesting facts about this building. it was quite run down on the inside and the council planned to demolish it, however they weren't allowed cuz apparently some protected type of bats have moved in there.
Good thing you didn't move in then, those bats would have eaten you alive
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