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Scary Story Time

Sep 04, 20 at 10:13pm
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Holy shit that’s scary, I assume you moved immediately
Sep 04, 20 at 10:18pm
one of my faves cant find it so i have to write it, sorry A boy is walking home from school one day when he glances down, seeing something on the sidewalk in front of him. Squatting down down the boy picks up a seemingly innocuous polaroid, but the picture instantly captures his attention. The photo was of a young woman with long brown hair, and blue eyes that seemed to look through the photo and stare right at him. She was posed holding up two fingers in a peace sign. His heart races and his face begins to flush. This is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Everywhere he goes he keeps this photo on him, and every chance he gets he simply stares at her image. The more he stares the more entranced he becomes. Soon he stops going to school, forgoing meals so that he can simply lay on his bed and look at her. Finally his parents have had it, they force him out of bed and out of the house, telling him he needs to go to school. The boy wanders down the sidewalk toward the school, his eyes glued to this photograph in his hand. But then the unthinkable happens. He trips and for a split second his grip on the photo loosens and it gets blown away by a sudden gust of wind. The boys heart drops and he quickly picks himself up, dashing toward where the photo lied, in the middle of the road. Thankfully he grabbed the photo before the wind could pick up again, but before he can return his eyes to her bewitching face a truck that was traveling down that road is unable to stop in time, killing him instantly. The driver gets out, his panicked eyes wincing as they take in the gore that was once a child before him. But then he sees something peculuar. Still wrapped in the child hands is a polaroid. Picking it up, the man is taken aback by the girls beauty, but there's something odd about the woman pose. For some reason, she's holding up three fingers. i love that story
Sep 04, 20 at 10:20pm
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@momoichi that is creepy as hell
Sep 04, 20 at 10:22pm
@tiddly was that the only experience you had?
Sep 04, 20 at 10:23pm
u guys get creeped out easily
Bring out a good one then pirate, I wanna make sure I use this diaper
Sep 04, 20 at 10:23pm
pirate is a pussy
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