For those who watch Naruto....
alaya @alaya
For those who watch Naruto....
alaya @alaya
And i mean all the way to shippuden, what do you think will be the end result as far as couples go?
Akullen @akullen
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For those who watch Naruto....
Akullen @akullen
I don't really expect to see many couples by the end unless there will be a time skip
alaya @alaya
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For those who watch Naruto....
alaya @alaya
People have been saying that there is still enough story telling to make a 3rd season. But i don't see the series ending without atleast revealing the biggest couple question of naruto and sakura, since a) sakura is the main heroine and one of her ordeals in the series is her feelings for sasuke and naruto and b) if naruto will end up with the girl he fell in love with since young or end up with Hinata who confessed her feelings.
Akullen @akullen
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For those who watch Naruto....
Akullen @akullen
The writer has been basically been making up the story as he goes along so it could go anywhere really but from my experience with mangas i'm not exactly expecting a couple but i would say naruhina would be the one that would most likely work out. I am biased though and prefer the that outcome so take it anyway you wish.
Manic @mercule
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For those who watch Naruto....
Manic @mercule
Haha a friend of mine were talkin about this just the other day. He's a sakura fan and i am a hinata fan. Tho even he admits he's getten tired of sakuras crap. We both dont see a coupling happening any time soon, the most likely thing to happen is the series ends and we have a time jump showing who paired up with who and possibly their kids.
Id imagine tomari and shikamaru will pair, ino and chiba, and not sure about the rest. It prolly will be naruto and sakura, but id rather see hinata since i feel she's had the most growth between the 2.
Akullen @akullen
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For those who watch Naruto....
Akullen @akullen
yes even the writer has commented on the difference between character development between the two it was quite amusing seeing as sakura is the main heroine and she gets less character development. what annoys me about her is naruto has gone through so much for her and still she only cares for sasuke. The good thing is that shes finnaly realized theres not much chance of him going back to normal.
Manic @mercule
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For those who watch Naruto....
Manic @mercule
haha i know, narutos gone through so much in his life. Everyone looked down on him including sakura (hinata excluded). He's gone through numerous trials and trained hard to be the savior of the village, and she still cant get over sasuke. All the while sasuke just treats her like a dumb ho, makes no sense to me.
Then ya have hinata whos always rooted and cared for hime. Looked up to him and used him as inspiration to change herself, but naruto just cant seem to look her way. I think she deserves it more, but what can ya do.
Akullen @akullen
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For those who watch Naruto....
Akullen @akullen
naruto certainly isnt as dumb as he seems so i think hes probably aware of it but doesn't confront it for whatever reason ask the writer about that one.
alaya @alaya
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For those who watch Naruto....
alaya @alaya
I can understand where sakura is coming from tho. she's growing up. she had a little girl crush and "thought" she was in love. but as she's getting older and more things are happening she's realizing how the situation with sasuke is. i believe she loves naruto but doesn't realize it yet because she's too concentrated on saving sasuke. i mean look at ino, she cried when she found out that their age group was going to have to go hunt down sasuke. As for hinata i didn't like her in the first series, but she has definitely gotten better. However i just don't see them going together. 1) I'm really thinking that her love is really just a strong admiration for something she herself has been striving for. They were both considers "losers" in ways as children. But she grew much more admiration as he proved himself and would sacrifice himself for his friends and village, something she's wanted to have the balls (so to say) to do herself. 2) I think she is way to quiet and pushed over for Naruto. Naruto is a little kid and he needs structure (hince where sakura comes in). I think she's better suited for Kiba because even tho he's just as childish, he's proven he can be mature around Hinata when needed.
Manic @mercule
commented on
For those who watch Naruto....
Manic @mercule
i think its already been proven its more than just a childhood crush or admiration. I mean she even mustered up the courage to finally confess her love. I think shes done more than enuff or atleast more than sakura to this point proving her love.
Sakura is more like a big sister to naruto, she cares for him and tries to protect him. Haha tho this is gonna be an impasse since your obvly a sakura shipper and i am more on hinata's side
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