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Re:zero season 2

Whoever kills the current Archbishop inherits their ability. Subaru can barely use his magic so that's why he hasn't made use of Betleguese's or, more accurately, the witch of sloth's invisible hands. - More to the point, Subaru wrote for Betleguese to die inside his gosple which is more likely the cause for Betleguese's hibernate ego.
This is an anime you gitta watch multiple times or get stuff on the first go cuz you miss alot https://external-preview.redd.it/Y56S7Rb8N1Whe9yuG__vYhuQjVa8LjtB2Q6pIOgXc_Q.jpg?auto=webp&s=116048a5dd8e146d23a53b4c968346e5283892f4
Also with satella showing up if you oay attention to the images when she approaches him you see alot of things happen
Here we go boys, another episode
Ngl subaru was pretty badass this episode
Starting to look like a real protagonist....the first half of the episode not so cool with the crying. But the scene with Garfiel oh man that was some shonen level protagonist shit "I do know hell, i've seen it many times. and i should be the only one to know hell"
Sep 09, 20 at 6:31pm
still confused on why THIS time everyone listens to subaru without tryna kill or lock him up but okay i guess...atleast he is moving and trying to grasp the situation ^^
@koroshiya_desu it is explained. The loli girl doesnt wish to kill subaru because of the echidna visit. He now commands the army of loli. As for garfiel he doesnt wanna harm subaru he is just on edge because he smells like a witch cultist and they only wish to do harm to everyone else and cause chaos. Last time subaru said the wrong shit and agro'd them. He said he was gonna undergo the witch trial but they dont want him to do it. Its unclear what garfiel is hiding that causes him to go after subaru trying to leave.
Sep 09, 20 at 6:38pm
yh but didnt echidna give him the "tea" way before once...that should hv been enough for the loli girl to listen to him right?...or was it not enough so subaru had to take in more "tea"
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