Shadowfang Kuugaverse

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
This is just me talking about some of my plans for my manga. I really want people to join my clan. Please subscribe to join the ninja today if you have time. I really want you to enjoy my stories and discussions, so I'll keep you updated on any new stories or chapters and new characters.

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
So I'm writing this manga called "Die Hard Complex". It's about a 19 year old boy named Drake Reiz, who moves into a new apartment. Soon he discovers a safe in the wall next to a desk. After cracking the code, he discovers a cleaver with the named engraved "Rose Cleaver". Then strange things have been happening. Screams of pain wake him up at night. Then as he checks the neighbor's apartment, he spots a strange man in a trench coat appears with a blood drenched knife. After the man leaves, he investigates the apartment, only to find the corpses of a woman and her husband on the floor.
This is only the summary of chapter 1, by the way.

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
I won't be Putting up any pictures till' I'm finished with the entire thing, so I won't have to upload a lot.

Vagene @ahuman
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Vagene @ahuman
This account has been suspended.

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
Don't worry, I'm adding a lot of new and awesome characters. The one I can't wait to draw is Juuro. He's kind of the Tokyo Ghoul Juzo kind of guy.

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
Also, Drake has lock picking gear.

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
Sure, I'm always looking for new ideas, so feel free to share your ideas. I'm not making the manga right now, I'm just writing the story. But seriously, feel free to give me some tips.

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
I decided to move the murder scene to chapter 2.

Stella @animefanaticssss
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Stella @animefanaticssss
Oki doki, for it to be more suspenseful?

Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
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Shadowfang Kuugaverse
Shadowfang Kuuga @kuuga
The dream is to introduce Rose, a demon sealed into the cleaver. Weapons like this are called Activation weapons.
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