Beer with Hans
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
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Beer with Hans
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
lucky basturd XD
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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Beer with Hans
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
No I haven't talked to Gangsta outside of the forums. She seemed jelly I sent voice messages to BlackHeart over Discord, I told her if she wanted some, just give me her Discord. She seemed surprised that's all it took, but never gave it to me...
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Beer with Hans
And here I went to delete her discord user lmaooo
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
I'll.jump.from the bridge
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
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Beer with Hans
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
Me who never seen a woman: normal people problems XD
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Beer with Hans
All you need Hans is some German Nationalism
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
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Beer with Hans
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
@swadian i love you brother, you know the way to my heart XD
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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Beer with Hans
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
@swadian You were going to delete Gangsta from your discord? Merciless...
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Beer with Hans
I already did, lmaooo
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
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Beer with Hans
brr brr deng @ncsistjaboy
hes no simp to be in her simp harem XD
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Beer with Hans
She got annoyed when I deleted her, still hasn't gotten over it, nor when I called her "an average Blondie"
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