Meeting people in general

Cieric @cieric
Meeting people in general
Cieric @cieric
Well I'm kind of at a stand still so I'm gonna solicit some advice from strangers.
At this point I'm stuck, I've tried dating apps and I've tried meeting people in person, and time after time I get ghosted or blocked. I don't think I'm that bad looking. Whenever talking to someone I try to carry the conversation forward, I don't talk about anything pervy unless invited to. I try to talk about common interests and if there are none then I try to talk about something that interests them. I have to assume that I'm falling short somewhere but I just don't know anymore.
At this point the only advice I've gotten is to pick up a hobby where I can meet new people, but I'm a weeb and a geek to my core I don't know any hobbies that I can pick up that suit me.
In the end I don't even have to find someone to date, just someone I can watch anime and joke around with.

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
commented on
Meeting people in general
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Be more aggressive.
Charm their pants off.
Have a good sense of humor.
Idk it's sorta worked for me
Also this is a sorta good place but don't expect to meet girls in your immediate vicinity.

Cieric @cieric
commented on
Meeting people in general
Cieric @cieric
I wasn't really expecting to meet people right nearby. And I don't know if I can do aggressive or charming. I'm quite introverted so my sense of humor is in memes. I'll take that advice to heart though. Can't do much worse than rock bottom.

Alex @alexgp
commented on
Meeting people in general
Alex @alexgp
just go to the people and ask how they are its really simple but works like magic but be sure to have something to tell after haha

Despair V99999999999999999 @ithurts
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Meeting people in general
Despair V99999999999999999 @ithurts
This account has been suspended.

Sage @the_toad_sage
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Meeting people in general
Sage @the_toad_sage
Just do and say what you want. Be honest and real friends will ensue, no doubt

Wik @wik
commented on
Meeting people in general
Wik @wik
What everyone has said, but also to make sure you speak slowly. Any other pace and it will sound like you are nervous.
Do that Dad jokes (or any one liners you got) once you feel like the ice is melting, but probably stay away from those unless you are just running a numbers game.
When you talk about what you like or hobbies, never feel like they are embarassing to talk about.
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