Who excited for Attack on titan season 4

lilyomega593 @lilyomega593
Who excited for Attack on titan season 4
lilyomega593 @lilyomega593
https://youtu.be/M_OauHnAFc8 “The only thing we're allowed to believe is that we won't regret the choice we made.” “The world is merciless, and it's also very beautiful.”

gardevoir_lovesick @gardevoir_lovesick
commented on
Who excited for Attack on titan season 4
gardevoir_lovesick @gardevoir_lovesick
YO! I'M EXCITED! What an escalated story! So hype

Vagene @ahuman
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Who excited for Attack on titan season 4
Vagene @ahuman
This account has been suspended.

ohenriiidesu @ohenriii
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Who excited for Attack on titan season 4
ohenriiidesu @ohenriii
Me!!!!!!!! x100
@Vargas - i haven't read the manga but is the manga still going?

Jeff @jeffkun
commented on
Who excited for Attack on titan season 4
Jeff @jeffkun
Yes it is still ongoing. It's about to end soon. Don't know when, but the end is near

Kairu @markl
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Who excited for Attack on titan season 4
Kairu @markl
meh, let's see how eren f. the world
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