Hi. Im new.

alex_rwby @alex_rwby
Hi. Im new.
alex_rwby @alex_rwby
Hello, I'm new to this site looking to make friends. My big brothers into anime and I'm still getting into anime, I hope i don't annoy you with my emojis Lol :D
My big Brother is also but I won't tell you who he is ;)

. @atom_kitty_kat
commented on
Hi. Im new.
. @atom_kitty_kat
Hey welcome to the site XD

alex_rwby @alex_rwby
commented on
Hi. Im new.
alex_rwby @alex_rwby
wait what
that was fast :/

Titi @alihawk
commented on
Hi. Im new.
Titi @alihawk

alex_rwby @alex_rwby
commented on
Hi. Im new.
alex_rwby @alex_rwby

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
commented on
Hi. Im new.
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Great shitpost fam
You'll fit in here

alex_rwby @alex_rwby
commented on
Hi. Im new.
alex_rwby @alex_rwby
well my brother typed it in LOL

ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
commented on
Hi. Im new.
ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
This account has been suspended.

alex_rwby @alex_rwby
commented on
Hi. Im new.
alex_rwby @alex_rwby
So what do I do now?

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
commented on
Hi. Im new.
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Ello der
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