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Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 05, 22 at 6:54pm
Elon is playing around with the idea of doing long form video content. Twitter might just be the champion needed to take on YouTube. I welcome him to try.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 07, 22 at 12:08am
First Kathy Griffin, then Ethan Klein. lol
Rain @rainx commented on News
Nov 09, 22 at 9:30am
Nov 09, 22 at 6:45pm
Honestly it seems counter productive to destroy art nobody looks at or appreciates fully to begin with with food that could be used to feed a starving child. But I guess these 'activists' like staining their own reputation. Good grief!
Ghost @kuharido commented on News
Nov 09, 22 at 6:51pm
The painting had a glass cover so they didn't damage the painting thankfully. Art is one of the few things we can enjoy on this miserable rock so I really hate "activists" trying to destroy it.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 09, 22 at 6:56pm
Yup. It's ticks me off. More than the brats in Europe pouring milk out everywhere. Assholes. https://youtu.be/8Fh-W3-Psms
Pirate-san @kyros96 commented on News
Nov 10, 22 at 5:47am
lmaooooo fkin retards- i love it.
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Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 10, 22 at 8:36am
Anime News https://youtu.be/6CO6adDW_rI
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Nov 10, 22 at 11:33am
Parkland Shooter's public defenders need to be fined or disbarred. Inappropriate, argumentative, but one flips the bird in the court room. Don't know why the Judge didn't find any of them in contempt of court. https://youtu.be/0Hyf6EKYHC4
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