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Bro literally tried to throw out the kids
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 25, 21 at 3:56pm
Do you remember the debates? The cages where they were keeping kids? Trump didn't build those. They came to be with Obama was in office and Biden his VP. I don't agree with it and I'm sure there are plenty of people in social work that could have came up with a better, albeit, costly solution rather than putting kids in cages and separating them from their families. But Trump didn't establish that status quo.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 25, 21 at 3:58pm
It's shit like that why you'll find people defending him. He's not a saint, he's not even likable, but he wasn't the status quo.
Jan 25, 21 at 3:59pm
@Tigereyes11 you know maybe if those people came here LEGALLY you wouldnt have to worry about that. You mean to tell me its ok for them to just skip the already existing line for citizenship and its ok? How is that fair? I feel bad forbthe kids but the parent are the one that failed them. Not trump. And when i lump the left together i mean the vocal majority because most of the anti-trumpers touting biden as a savior are not even digging deep into biden's history. Trump says alot of dumb shit but actions speak louder than words and he hasnt done a single thing that was out of line. Or impeded on people's lives. Like biden rn and getting rid of the income for dozens of Americans in the energy industry which will lead to EVEN MORE unemployment.
Yeah i know that but it wasn't meant for kids and did ya know it was Trump's idea to gas(forget which type of gas) them in order to slow the spread of covid making them live in inhumane conditions while they separated the kids from their parents. Sure Obama built them but he didn't use them like that it's like when china made gunpowder for fireworks but everyone found out they also work for guns
@hell_hound7 ya know DACA only protects the kids forcefully brought here right? And it doesn't grant them citizenship either
It lets them get a license, it lets them be here while they apply for citizenship as long as they don't do anything illegal and small things like that
Jan 25, 21 at 4:02pm
The media can and will change the point of view to all masses to reach their agenda. They play us like a fiddle. Here recently the police officer who ran over "pedestrians" was shown on the news but they said it was a "peaceful protest". However they failed to mention it was antifa rioters watching a damn street race where the call was made about. The cop showed up trying to get them all to go home and antifa rioters surrounded his vehicle banging on his windows and rocking the police cruiser. The man feared for his life so his pressed down on the pedal through the rioters. Don't do stupid shit and this won't happen. The media changed the narrative making the police officer out to be the villain and defended antifa.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 25, 21 at 4:03pm
Well entering the country illegally is illegal. No?
Jan 25, 21 at 4:03pm
Ok but in what instance would they be brought here if not through trafficking or kidnapping that makes my point irrelevant?
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