What's your favorite fruit?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
What's your favorite fruit?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
Idk about y'all, but there's nothing better than a small cup of juicy cranberries or beautiful mango to get me through a rough patch. Fruit means so much to me. What are some of your fruity stories.
Public Enemy No.1 @justalaugh
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What's your favorite fruit?
Public Enemy No.1 @justalaugh
This account has been suspended.
darkness_anger @darkness_anger
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What's your favorite fruit?
darkness_anger @darkness_anger
Watermelon, bananas, coconut (yes, it is considered one from a certain POV) and most berries.
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
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What's your favorite fruit?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
@darkness_anger Wouldn't Coconut be a fruit though? If not then do people think it's a nut? Respect to you berry lover.
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
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What's your favorite fruit?
Deactivating finally @runningonneedles
@justalaugh Are we a fit nut or what?
Public Enemy No.1 @justalaugh
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What's your favorite fruit?
Public Enemy No.1 @justalaugh
This account has been suspended.
Lamby @momoichi
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What's your favorite fruit?
Lamby @momoichi
mandarins *drool*
darkness_anger @darkness_anger
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What's your favorite fruit?
darkness_anger @darkness_anger
@runningonneedles the internet said it is considered a seed, fruit and nut
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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What's your favorite fruit?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Avocadosa re the best fruit
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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What's your favorite fruit?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
wait what? a coconut can be 3 things at the same time?
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