Well Hello Internet

bonzo @bonzo
Well Hello Internet
bonzo @bonzo
I am new here and would like to make some new friends :)
Fun fact i am fcking introverted and dont know how to socialise :D

MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
commented on
Well Hello Internet
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
Welcome to the club.

komeno1 @komeno1
commented on
Well Hello Internet
komeno1 @komeno1
Hello there ,add me we can be good friends :3

BlackHeart @blackheart323
commented on
Well Hello Internet
BlackHeart @blackheart323
Hey buddy ^^ feel free to stop by for a chat

vinyl_retroflexed @vinyl_retroflexed
commented on
Well Hello Internet
vinyl_retroflexed @vinyl_retroflexed
Hello internet!
Welcome to game theory.
Hi there, I hope you enjoy the site!
Most of us are pretty introverted to.
Its the otaku curse, you'll fit right in!

bonzo @bonzo
commented on
Well Hello Internet
bonzo @bonzo


Reign_Carter @reign_carter
commented on
Well Hello Internet
Reign_Carter @reign_carter
i'm new here to bro

sleepy_prince @sleepy_prince
commented on
Well Hello Internet
sleepy_prince @sleepy_prince
same, still trying to figure out how this shit works..

bonzo @bonzo
commented on
Well Hello Internet
bonzo @bonzo
Nice i havent been on a site like this before gotta say chatting with random is kinda weird but at the same time rly nice may i add you guys?

Rokas @sparkis
commented on
Well Hello Internet
Rokas @sparkis
No need to ask :3 Just go ahead and message anyone, most of us here are quite friendly ^^
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