Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,

eunmikitty @eunmikitty
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
eunmikitty @eunmikitty
A lot of times, ppl have asked me why idk how to date in my own state and why most of my relationships end up being ldr’s. Simple I’m and extroverted introvert abs find it hard to walk up to someone and start a conversation (unless I’m like wasted). So i tend to be more myself online where idk ppl can’t hurt me? But they can? It’s weird.

Laffantion @laffantion
commented on
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
Laffantion @laffantion
If my soul mate would live with me right now that person would be in my family and I am not from Alabama so yeah my soul mate probably lives somewhere else.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
yaasshat @yaasshat
You're guarded and to be honest, that's very common. Thing is, people tend to put on masks in real life, there's a mask for every situation. Online, there's anonymity and that lets you be who you are, on the inside without fear or care of others judging. No one knows who you are when they can't see you.
As for the soulmate thing? Nah. It's a fun fantasy, but it's just not so. Some will die alone, some will never find or give healthy love, some will love many times over... etc At the end of it, you only need to worry about finding someone who will love you and who you love. If you don't? Just roll on and love yourself all the same.

. @sxfe
commented on
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
. @sxfe
I've already found mines tbh it's not in the same country as mines.

Nat @the_noctor
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Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
Nat @the_noctor
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Whisp @whispywoods
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Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
Whisp @whispywoods
I think mine is in another planet

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
Lishifu @hakutaku
:3 A soulmate? That’s way too ideal!

라이언 (ARCHER) @truffle
commented on
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
라이언 (ARCHER) @truffle
I doubt someone who just is meant for you is out there, waiting to come into your life.
I think soulmate should just be referred to someone who is very close to you and understands you well. I feel that it should be a title given to someone you are actually closest to, not someone who is waiting for you. There is no one in this world just meant for you.

MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
commented on
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
Around this city, not really.
Some would rather have someone who can protect them on the streets here. At least based on the few I spoke with outside of my campus.
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