Types/Groups of People
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Types/Groups of People
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
What are some types of people you like and some you dislike the most?
For likes, I like clean, cool and kind ones (men and women), as well as some cute ones (women) that have true love and friendship. For dislikes, elderly that can drain you, badass adults talking in the harshest badass way with rude sarcasm, bullies, and people that make you feel lonely.
Rei @reisenpai66
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Types/Groups of People
Rei @reisenpai66
Likes: nerds/weebs
Dislikes: normies/"dude weed lmao"
Cero @cero
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Types/Groups of People
Cero @cero
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Rei @reisenpai66
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Types/Groups of People
Rei @reisenpai66
I hated hipsters before it was cool
Avenger @avenger_senpai
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Types/Groups of People
Avenger @avenger_senpai
Like: Kind/good hearted people, it's always nice to come across someone who's genuinely a nice person. Chill people who just want to have a good time.
Dislike: People who cause or get a kick out of other's suffering, hypocrites, crass individuals, sheep that just go with the flow and don't bother to think on their own.
Cero @cero
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Types/Groups of People
Cero @cero
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αlερh - 3 @whodatbe123
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Types/Groups of People
αlερh - 3 @whodatbe123
Not surprising for my nihilistic tendencies, but there is no particular group of people that I truly hate. There is also no particular group of people that I truly love. On my logical side, I think that a great deal of humanity is equally retarded. Unable to decouple from binary thinking e.g. red pill vs blue pill. More nuanced thoughts are done though rationalizing on a gradient of possibilities. But I still can't escape from illogical pitfalls. After all, I'm only human.
Whisp @whispywoods
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Types/Groups of People
Whisp @whispywoods
I dislike annoyingly positive people
...also, just people
sober @soberrr
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Types/Groups of People
sober @soberrr
like: interesting people, they can show you a new world
dislike: closed minded people, they are limited in one perspective
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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