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Maiotaku (unofficial) dating section

I have Tacos
Potential girl hype?
I can partially understand it I guess. From most dating sites I've been too, women prefer to seek friendships until they feel comfortable with pursuing an actual relationship, unlike men, who just aim for something specific and try not to stray from it. Problem with this is, most dating apps have girls claiming they want friendships, even the ones who are there only for casual hook ups so it's gonna be kinda difficult for some to join somewhere, where they will exclusively seek a partner
When in doubt, unleash gir's secret move. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SerpentineEquatorialBluemorphobutterfly-size_restricted.gif
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Tfw over 20+ people hearted the original post but so far only 2-3 people have actually posted out of the like 7-8 who asked to join. In a sec im just about to just spread the word and promote the community and then just drop the link here and let people go at it. If it works or not its whatever at this point XD
I am hoping to join, I just need to get enough heart pieces without spamming everywhere lol
This idea sounds nice, mind if i join? Can i help in anyway?
Swadian makes a good point, we look for friends before we try to find anything more. It's just a way to keep us safe. You never know what kind of guy (or girl) you might bump into. It can be scary going in blind, even with a couple days chatting. People can put on quite a show before they get their hands on you. I am not saying any guy here would do that, but a girl has to value safety above a relationship any day of the week.
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