Naruto <3

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
Naruto <3
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
I'm a big fan of Naruto and naruto shippuden. I Been watching or trying to watching it in sub because it takes forever to come out on dub. And the show is like getting so crazy just so much is going on at once and they always play with my feelings by showing a sad part or a cute part and it's like why they do this to me T-T . It's just a really good anime anyone else a fan?

Lamby @momoichi
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Naruto <3
Lamby @momoichi
hellza yeah! though kinda hard to be a fan now adays XP my whole anime club hated it XP but though the earlier eps r iffy the later ones r so bad ass XD! the fight at the Village End is like one of the best friends of anime history XD!

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
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Naruto <3
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
It was kinda slow at the start but now it's just crazy. I'm like a big Naruto nerd I have all the akasuki rings, I have plushies XD, and i cosplayed as hidan, I wanna do kiba with a girl as my hinata.

xkakashix @xkakashix
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Naruto <3
xkakashix @xkakashix
Yes, i'm a huge fan of Naruto i just got done with the series not to long ago and now i'm making progress in shippuden.

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
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Naruto <3
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
shippuden Is way better you'll going to love it. The fights are way better. And just the things that happen will just play with your mind and your feelings. I'm on episode 283 and there is just so much going on. The people that made naruto has really step up if they keep on like this I say it will be as good as bleach or dbz as in fans.

gagalauren @gagalauren
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Naruto <3
gagalauren @gagalauren
283 is a good episode and I lie 284 too. I love Naruto and unfortunately saw a HUGE spoiler on Facebook because I liked the Naruto page and some idiotic admin posted knowledge from the Manga. It's actually the biggest spoiler I could imagine :(

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
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Naruto <3
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
I hate that kinda why I don't read the manga. I'll watch it first and when it ends I'll read it. I wanna cosplay as so many people from Naruto.

gagalauren @gagalauren
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Naruto <3
gagalauren @gagalauren
I know!! I really want to cosplay as so many people, even if it will look daft on me! I wish I didn't have to wait for Naruto episodes. The suspense kills me :(

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
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Naruto <3
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
That's why I started watching in sub. I think dub is like in the 150's or something I can't wait that long I'm impatient when it comes to anime XD. Some of the cosplays I wanna do I wanna want for cause they are a couple thing.

gagalauren @gagalauren
commented on
Naruto <3
gagalauren @gagalauren
Yeah, I have never watched the dubs. Only the subs :) I have never been cosplaying before. I dressed up as Misa Misa from Death Note for a party in town and no one knew who I was meant to be ha
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