What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you

atomic_cat0 @atomic_cat0
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
atomic_cat0 @atomic_cat0
For me i saw some round grey object floating out in a field by where i use to live and people don't believe me XD or maybe im just some crazy retard i dunno

UrGirlBlake @urgirlblake
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
UrGirlBlake @urgirlblake
i had multiple things happen to me but one thing was i had a friend named lucy and she got really angry when my parents told me we were moving and she tried to suffocate me turnes out lucy was a demon also my grandpa we called him grandpa Moses he killed himself in my old house and i used to see his ghost but he never tried to hurt me but i always used to talk to him

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
Lamby @momoichi
i was walking down the empty dining room (we rented this place at the time) and i heard inside my ear, "hey"
wasnt the tv, it was inside my ear, like a whisper
no one believes me, but yeah
i also had this thing once where i cracked my neck and i heard a radio station inside the thoughts..... best way to explain it xD
shits weird, but it happened

atomic_cat0 @atomic_cat0
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
atomic_cat0 @atomic_cat0
Not that many weird thing's have happened to me but only a couple times like how i heard whistling at 3 am

UrGirlBlake @urgirlblake
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
UrGirlBlake @urgirlblake
bro u know 3 am is the devils hour

ƈǟɮʀóռ [кαт’ѕ] @grandpa
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
ƈǟɮʀóռ [кαт’ѕ] @grandpa
This account has been suspended.

the_irregular @the_irregular
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
the_irregular @the_irregular
I was I'ma sex capade lead to a ghost approaching me and seen it hightailed out of dodge

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Gunfire on the hill of Mamayev Kurgan at night. Not just a pistol shot from some guy collecting money. I am saying machine guns and rifles going off. Lasted 5 minutes and it made no sense. There really weren't any sort of gangs or mafia in Volgograd and Mamayev Kurgan is a monument site. If it is ghosts it would make sense, over 15,000 men died on that hill back in the battle of Stalingrad.

atomic_cat0 @atomic_cat0
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
atomic_cat0 @atomic_cat0
That's so bonanas

Praxis @stazmae
commented on
What's a really scary thing that happened to you but people won't believe you
Praxis @stazmae
Being threatened to be shot with a gun, just for walking cross a field that was open to the public.
Travellers tend to do this often, when they think they own land in my area. Smh.
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