Dislikes about Christmas

dumbtallweeb @dumbtallweeb
Dislikes about Christmas
dumbtallweeb @dumbtallweeb
Ok so in this topic what are your dislikes about Christmas/holiday time

ookamilw @ookamilw
commented on
Dislikes about Christmas
ookamilw @ookamilw
Interesting concept, let's give it a try.
The fact that people who forget you exist every other day of the year feels the need to call you.

dumbtallweeb @dumbtallweeb
commented on
Dislikes about Christmas
dumbtallweeb @dumbtallweeb
yep no I agree with that one going to christmas dinner and seeing everyone who forgets that you're even alive anymore and once its over you gotta redo it again in 364 days

ookamilw @ookamilw
commented on
Dislikes about Christmas
ookamilw @ookamilw
Sorry, that's my only real problem. I dont actively celebrate Christmas or most holidays in that case. Yesterday was more or less a Saturday to me, Other then the arbitrary call to my grandparents, and father.

ƈǟɮʀóռ [кαт’ѕ] @grandpa
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Dislikes about Christmas
ƈǟɮʀóռ [кαт’ѕ] @grandpa
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uberemo @uberemo
commented on
Dislikes about Christmas
uberemo @uberemo
how stupidly busy work gets

KuroK @kurok
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Dislikes about Christmas
KuroK @kurok
The day in general

ookamilw @ookamilw
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Dislikes about Christmas
ookamilw @ookamilw
Then let's start a petition to cancel all holidays ever.

Cero @cero
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Dislikes about Christmas
Cero @cero
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Cero @cero
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Dislikes about Christmas
Cero @cero
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