What's Your Absolute Favorite Anime Series?

vanitas_is_darkness @vanitas_is_darkness
What's Your Absolute Favorite Anime Series?
vanitas_is_darkness @vanitas_is_darkness
Hey there everyone, how's it going!?
So then, as the title of the topic suggests, this boils down to your absolute favorite anime series, the one you hold high above all others! The one anime to rule them all!
In my case, it would most definitely have to be Inuyasha! This is the anime series that made me fall in love with the medium in the first place! It's a timeless classic, and I love how well the story is written, and the cast of lovable characters has always been among my favorite group of characters in an anime! One of my absolute favorite characters is Sesshomaru! He's always had this badass air about him, and I love how he softened up a bit after having met Rin! And well, the music, voice acting and the story flow are excellent. I was always on my toes, and I enjoyed the wholesome episodes whenever they came, and felt the heavy feels when the heavy story beats came down! And well, Naraku is a badass villain!
But yes, that's my favorite anime series of all time! What about all of you? Which is your one favorite? (And yes, if we list more than one favorite, that'd probably be a long list, so let's just keep this as your number one, lol.)

Jaythesavage14 @jaythesavage14
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What's Your Absolute Favorite Anime Series?
Jaythesavage14 @jaythesavage14
My favorite would prolly be full metal alchemist brotherhood even though that's pretty basic

Ricktaku @rking39
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What's Your Absolute Favorite Anime Series?
Ricktaku @rking39
For me it is Yu Yu Hakusho. I've watched it 3 times. It's one of the first anime I watched. It is still good.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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What's Your Absolute Favorite Anime Series?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
After being in the fandom so long, it felt like anime was getting boring or repetitive. Then I watched Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and it reminded me that anime can still be quirky and surprising still.

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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What's Your Absolute Favorite Anime Series?
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
Kill la kill
Hellsing ultimate
Outlaw Star
Squid girl
Spice and wolf
Black butler
Ouran high school cost club
Seven mortal sins
The ancient magus bride
There is too many

wolfmagica @wolfmagica
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What's Your Absolute Favorite Anime Series?
wolfmagica @wolfmagica
Madoka Magica

Jmac525 @jmac525
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What's Your Absolute Favorite Anime Series?
Jmac525 @jmac525
I always go back and forth between Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I absolutely love both of them. Psycho Pass, Fate/Zero, Steins;Gate, Madoka Magica, and Deadman Wonderland would also be in the conversation.
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