Lan rpgs?
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
Lan rpgs?
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
Big fan of lan rpgs. We've played diablo 2, grim dawn, titan quest, Torchlight 1 and 2. Can you recommend more? are there any indie lan rpgs out there that I haven't heard off.
melk @melk
commented on
Lan rpgs?
melk @melk
Have you played Divinity Original Sin 2? It's like final fantasy tactics, but with dynamic puzzles. Plus the story changes depending on the many different things you do. It's even got 2 player support. I liked it so much in hindsight I prolly woulda paid twice as much for the experience. You can tell the creators put a lot of love into their game.
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
Lan rpgs?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
Seriously though the TES3MP mod is perhaps one of the most fun things ever made, really wish I had friends to play it with.
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
commented on
Lan rpgs?
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
morrowind so old tho, no fast travel too. I'll think about divinity, wanted action oriented focus rpg more.
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