Reveal your most embarrassing moment

мσσηcнιℓ∂ @leafygreentea
Reveal your most embarrassing moment
мσσηcнιℓ∂ @leafygreentea
Mine is when I went to my friend and back hug her in school to only realize that it was not my friend so I slowly walk away back to my classroom and never leave again ._.

Cero @cero
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
Cero @cero
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xeiru @xeiru
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
xeiru @xeiru
I was in my kinder class and there was a boy (we will call him Kevin) that always shit himself. My teacher smelled something funny and asked us all who did it. Kevin's best friend (let's call him Jorge) came to Kevin's rescue by going around the entire class and sniffing everyone's ass from the chair they were sitting in. He smells Kevin's ass and says "oh it's not him, he smells like fruit roll ups" then he smells my ass and tells the teacher I shit myself. So the teacher makes me come up to her desk and turn around and proceeds to look down my pants. I was clean. It was Kevin.
I'll never forget this moment.

Ren @ren_amamiya
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
Ren @ren_amamiya
I hugged a random old lady thinking that it was my grandma... That was very strange to explain and I just ran away... Fun day ,-,
She probably thought that I was crazy, oh well xdddd

мσσηcнιℓ∂ @leafygreentea
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
мσσηcнιℓ∂ @leafygreentea
Then oof. The same thing happened to me a few days ago. My whole section was outside of the faculty room, passing some papers. After passing mine, I went to a girl beside me and ask if I can have a look while grabbing her paper. I look at her when I hand it back to see that it was not one of my classmates so I immediately apologize and went to my friends who's laughing at me the whole time.

toritori @toritori
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
toritori @toritori
In an exam I wasn't really paying attention and sat in the wrong seat. The person who's seat I was in awkwardly stood next to me for 10 seconds before I realised. Then I panicked and ran to my actual seat with their test paper, which I then had to run and give back. Meanwhile an entire hall of 200 people were staring at me run around like a headless chicken.

simplysoma @simplysoma
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
simplysoma @simplysoma
Last week, a cute girl asked me to help lift some stuff... It was too heavy and I farted trying to lift it ๏_๏

Cero @cero
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
Cero @cero
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
My first confession when she said yes i didn't know what to do so i run into the men's bathroom.
She never spoke to me again
Shit happens

암브로시우스 @ambrosel
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Reveal your most embarrassing moment
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
I've got a lot of them but right now I can only think of something recent. I was sleep deprived, woke up 2 hours later after I slept. Normal morning routine, shower, get dressed, get my bag and a handkerchief, I left in a hurry because I was running late. As soon as I got to the school gate, I was sweaty asf from running, so I took out my handkerchief and swiped the sweat off my face, then to my neck. I just notice people nearby giving me an odd stare and I look at the handkerchief in my hand to find out it was one of my old granny panties . - .
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