Conventions you are attending.

Sephiroth @sephiroth
Conventions you are attending.
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Who's going to be at any of these? Post the cons you're going to!<br />
<br />
Ohayocon, Naka-Kon, Kawa Kon, A&G Ohio, Anime STL, Natsucon (not yet announced when), No Brand Con, Anime Central, Gale-Kon, QC Anime-zing!, AnimeIowa, Kuzuricon, and Maybe: SogenCon, SoDak Con, Ikasucon, Youmacon, Geek.Kon, Nebraskon, Bishie Con...

iloveemovampires @iloveemovampires
commented on
Conventions you are attending.
iloveemovampires @iloveemovampires
im going to ohayocon

Meems @meems
commented on
Conventions you are attending.
Meems @meems
I am definitely going to Portcon Maine... and I may be attending Anime Boston this year as well.

Jealous @ideevour
commented on
Conventions you are attending.
Jealous @ideevour
I will be going to Anime Los Angeles in january.

abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
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Conventions you are attending.
abra_kadabra @aaroniero_aseyah
the next con if ALA for me

setsuhen @setsuhen
commented on
Conventions you are attending.
setsuhen @setsuhen
I'm going to zekaocon, setsucon, otakon, tekkoshocon and NYAF :3

PersonaZero @personazero
commented on
Conventions you are attending.
PersonaZero @personazero
I'm going to tekkoshocon.

Aizen757 @bankai757
commented on
Conventions you are attending.
Aizen757 @bankai757
I'm headin up to Anime Boston

Radikal @radikal
commented on
Conventions you are attending.
Radikal @radikal
I will Be going to Animazement

Naru @foxyseras
commented on
Conventions you are attending.
Naru @foxyseras
Im going to tora con
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