
kagetane @kagetane
kagetane @kagetane
First of I'm not looking for attention...well I guess sort of technically. I'm just wondering how many of you can relate to what I'm feeling right now. Have you guys ever felt just utter pointless existence. Now no I'm not to the point of "oh hey I'm a kms" just as you look back on your life, You think to yourself I've worked hard I have caring friends and family but you get that feeling of where am I going? I cant find joy or purpose. I'm depressed but at the same im not. As cringy as this sounds I'm lost

암브로시우스 @ambrosel
commented on
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
Hey, I understand how hard it is to get a wrap of your emotions in this state, hell I feel lost too, you're not alone in this boat! Even now I feel like my existence was for naught, but I'm trying to learn every single day how to cope with this feeling, 'cuz it's not really something that goes away...

Ren @ren_amamiya
commented on
Ren @ren_amamiya
I mean, in my point of view, our existent IS pointless. There is no real reason for we humans exist. Actually this is the reason why I just go with the flow in my life. I don't try to run after things too much, I just decided that it wasn't worth the hassle. This was probably the reason why I was friendless, but oh well¯\_(ツ)_/¯

standino98 @standino98
commented on
standino98 @standino98
it's a hard feeling to try and go through, since you know that things could be worse and better, but nothing really changes. You can sit in one place, or float along and yeah your emotions will waver, but not to a point of either positivity or negativity. Sometimes talking to people acts as a way to perk yourself up, and sometimes it goes straight the other way. It's not necessarily bad, but you need just a little bit of a push or guidance to help you find who you truly are, and escape from this state of limbo.

KuroK @kurok
commented on
KuroK @kurok
Every day I think on this. It’s easy to see what you did wrong or how you could have done better but there is no way to learn where that would have led you to. What I tell myself until I believe it is that it’s all about the journey not the destination. Depression is normal even if people won’t admit it everyone feels it. We are all in this pain together. Not that it makes it any better but it helps me to think that I’m not the only one to feel this way. As for finding joy in life that’s up to you. You have to think hard and long on where you want to be later on in life and how to get there. Kinda counter intuitive to what I said before but that’s life. There is no one answer.

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Lishifu @hakutaku
Uncertainties of life...The unpredictable future...*sighs..
I only know I'm not immortal, sooner or later I will die(expectedly or unexpectedly.in miserable ways or in acceptable ways..), so I enjoy every day of this life and try my best to experience things.

kagetane @kagetane
commented on
kagetane @kagetane
The more I think about it the more I feel like a machine. Which is weird cause I have a career I love, my social life is actually good, love life ok (wish it was better lol) but what I hate is the lack of emotion and motivation. Standino98 I feel like you explain way better than I did I shouldn't complain cause I have no right to complain but I hate this limbo this feeling of floating but at the same being dragged by something heavy that's not even there.

kagetane @kagetane
commented on
kagetane @kagetane
And I know many are gonna say..."Hey that's life man" get over it or drown. I accept my own death but I wont go looking for it lol. I want to live but for what...so I'm waiting to die...damn I hate this lol

Excaliborg @excaliborg
commented on
Excaliborg @excaliborg
Hey im actually a failure in life! But right now im just slowly trying to pickmyself up! But while i was in my failure state, i often asked, where am i even going right now? Im sure my legs arent even moving forward nor backwards! I kept all my feelings all bottled up to myself, without ever telling anybody. To the point where i shed countless of tears on my own bed, even though i convinced myself to be stromg and not cry! But when i did cry. I felt better! Though afterwords i always kept my feelings bottled up for myself. I wouldnt sharr it to anyone at allA! Not even to my closest friends! (Im Not like that anymore! )

standino98 @standino98
commented on
standino98 @standino98
You do have a right to complain about that feeling, because it's something that you shouldn't have to feel. It's just.... there, making things feel like nothing is really important, and creating distance between what you might want, and what you have.
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