Is it instant or must have time?

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
Is it instant or must have time?
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
I've come across people who says just being around you for one day allows me to determine if we can make it as a couple. Then there are people like me who needs to be around the guy constantly and for a good amount of time before I know of we can connect.
So I wanted to know the opinions of the members here.
Do you believe that just one day or less being around the person can make you feel like it would work out or not.
Or do you need to converse and be around the person a lot to figure out if a connection can be made?

BrendanCasey @brendancasey
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
BrendanCasey @brendancasey
I think connections can be made quickly, and that there is such a thing as immediate chemistry. One day has been enough for me quite a few times. There's nothing wrong with a slow burn, though, where you gradually grow more attached to someone.

standino98 @standino98
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
standino98 @standino98
It's a game of chance sometimes. You can hit it off with some people right away and be able to communitate well with them, while other times it takes some warming up and trying understand eachother before knowing if it will work.

rayelight @rayelight
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
rayelight @rayelight
I think you need to talk for a more extended amount of time. Then you can more properly feel each other's personalities out. At least, that's how it is with me. I mean, sometimes you can meet a person and think they're great at first. Yet getting to know them a little better can change your mind. There was this guy I was talking to. The first day he was great. We had a lot in common. Time and more conversations showed me that he wasn't who I initially thought he was and I realized it wouldn't work. But different folks, different strokes I guess. . .

永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
Personally I think that friendships and especially relationships take time to grow. I've had struggles just making friends in general. I've lost friends along the way because I realized they weren't really my friends, but then I've still been able to keep in touch with a few that I can really trust. You need time to learn more about the individual finding out their likes/dislikes, what kind of personality they have. I mean, it's possible that you can have that instant connection with a person, but it's very rare. Anyways, that's just what I think about the subject.

Lee @foobar32768
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
Lee @foobar32768
In my tiny messed up brain, sometimes it feels like I get way way attached to someone in just a few hours of talking to them. I guess that is a bad thing though since it seems to put off a lot of people...

Ren @ren_amamiya
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
Ren @ren_amamiya
I think that you need a long period of time before you can say that you "connected" with someone. If it were me for example, I would probably take days before me can be really "me" with you. Which might or not change your perception of me. So yeah, if you know someone for a long time, you already know their true personality, and you can know if that will work.
What am I even talking? I don't even have any social experiences lol

halloween26 @halloween26
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
halloween26 @halloween26
To be honest it’s depends on the people involved some people can just decide day one that there going to get together and some need time to to get to know one another. As for me I don’t know me and my Ex got together after and online friend pushed me to ask her out in a web chat for a book series so it was long distance and it was kinda just boom we’re a couple now. But looking back on it that wasn’t a good way to do things because the more I learned about her the more she drifted away and the more my anxiety began to give me daily panic attacks tell we broke up. So I think it’s important to get to know some one to know that your right for each other.

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
For me? The instand i saw her

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
Is it instant or must have time?
Manga_bird @manga_bird
Hm, Sherflow and I hit it off straight away, but it's different for everyone.
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