What was your first Anime?

Moved Accounts. @twist_senpai
What was your first Anime?
Moved Accounts. @twist_senpai
Hiya peeps! I've been inactive on the forums lately so I thought that I might as well ask a question and jump back in! :3
My first anime was the Original Dragon Ball! What about you peeps?

baithoven @baithoven
commented on
What was your first Anime?
baithoven @baithoven
It was either Dragon Ball or Guyver. I'm not really sure anymore.

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
commented on
What was your first Anime?
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Pokemon I think
My first delve into actual anime stuff probs dbz n Naruto

Lamby @momoichi
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What was your first Anime?
Lamby @momoichi
no idea as i think i watched many at once back then
like pokemon was around when digimon was around
but i think sailormoon came before both of them, so probz her (i had all her toys and a box set)
iv always loved anime, staying up late to watch toonami and sometimes Animonday on scifi
oh yeah hamtaro was a thing back then too!
(its hamtaro time~)

standino98 @standino98
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What was your first Anime?
standino98 @standino98
On a technical scale it would have been Sailor Moon, but I was an infant and have no recollection. Knowing what I was watching, either Pokémon, Beyblade,Digimon, or Hamtaro. And then knowing what anime actually is, Fairy Tail.

Moved Accounts. @twist_senpai
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What was your first Anime?
Moved Accounts. @twist_senpai
Agreed Lamby! Toonami was amazing! I still watch it every Saturday night!

永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
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What was your first Anime?
永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
I remember watching the ocean dub of Dragonball and Sailor Moon on this channel when I was 3. But I didn't remember much of those shows. So technically my first anime that I remembered fondly and was memorable to me was Pokemon.

Moved Accounts. @twist_senpai
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What was your first Anime?
Moved Accounts. @twist_senpai

Pokemon was a first for a lot of peeps. I watched a few episodes of the original, but could never get into it. Now I've watched every episode of each version! I even seen all the movies! My favorite would have to be Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution!

standino98 @standino98
commented on
What was your first Anime?
standino98 @standino98
The first Pokémon movie is the main reason I own a VCR. Somehow the film is still good.(Physical film, not movie)

kathy1998 @kathy2000
commented on
What was your first Anime?
kathy1998 @kathy2000
Probably the original YGO as far as i remember.
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