Tell me something I don't know!!

0w0-Chan @kanako_uwuchan
Tell me something I don't know!!
0w0-Chan @kanako_uwuchan
I'm bored so please tell me something....

standino98 @standino98
commented on
Tell me something I don't know!!
standino98 @standino98
Your bones are always wet.

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
commented on
Tell me something I don't know!!
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
How to prevent/fight nightmares 101 :
- have a warm environment to sleep (so you body doens't cool off too much) I feell like this is a defense mechnism...
- just don't think about anything while falling asleep
- when you realise it's a nightmare starts to reshape it inject yourself with superpower and go nuts lol :P

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
commented on
Tell me something I don't know!!
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
The first bolt-action rifle that became the standard service rifle in the US military was the Danish and Norwegian designed Krag-Jorgensen rifle.

永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
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Tell me something I don't know!!
永遠のルナ一 @eternallunar1
The best way to cure boredom. XP

Lamby @momoichi
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Tell me something I don't know!!
Lamby @momoichi

0w0-Chan @kanako_uwuchan
commented on
Tell me something I don't know!!
0w0-Chan @kanako_uwuchan
Oml! Oof!

Error Does Not Exist. @fulcrum
commented on
Tell me something I don't know!!
Error Does Not Exist. @fulcrum
Did you know:
McDonald’s once created bubblegum-flavored broccoli!

pana @pana
commented on
Tell me something I don't know!!
pana @pana
The world as you see it now is turned upside down; literally. Our brain has "fixed" our eyes in a sense to see things as we do today; if not for that, we would be seeing everything 180 or how to say, upside down. Also, if something from the 4th or even higher dimension were to appear before your eyes, your brain would not be able to (idk the word) properly allow you to see it. If you are lucky, look at most, you will see a blob moving around trying to gain some sort of a form. Science ~

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Tell me something I don't know!!
Lamby @momoichi
we breath in a litre of farts everyday
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