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Reasons to Live

You need to love yourself first chief. Recognize your own potential and admire the beautiful creature that you are. A relationship based on bringing you up when you feel self loathing is more than likely fubar from jump. No expert on depression here so take any advice with a grain of salt
Jul 22, 19 at 6:51pm
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Jul 22, 19 at 6:55pm
I used to struggle with codependency. That is, depending on someone to provide happiness. The problem with that is, should they ever leave your life, they take the happiness away with them. It took a couple breakups to figure out my issue. But during the last break up I started going to therapy. I learned to make my own happiness out of the little things that never used to matter. From kitty pets, to shady tree naps, and bettering my cooking. I learned not to chase a relationship. I'll welcome it when the time comes however. When it does happen, I must remember to keep up the self-maintenance amidst all the love n junk so I don't fall back into that same depression trap.
Jul 22, 19 at 7:09pm
Sun rises everyday https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/ofZRTPgEslSyKk3HLZfppXkm3hc=/1000x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/7VGD6HYYOVFNRLAQ3P2KQXZ2QQ.jpg
Jul 22, 19 at 7:23pm
I don't depend on people for happiness because I have learned the fact that everything is temporary~Our parents will leave, our friends will leave, our significant others, our pets will leave some day, bodies will decay and so on~"being towards death", you know~This world is a fascinating place, so many cultures/rituals/beliefs/minds/languages/traditions/happiness/sorrow, it is worthwhile to explore it, to know more people of different backgrounds and their stories/lifestyles, to see possibilities of life. I have read a book about sociological studies on suicidal cases that happened in a town located in north China~~Life is so precious~~
when you have hobbies you have goals to strive for when you have goals to strive for, you have competitors when you have competitors, you have people to discuss with, learn from, teach, and in general become very good friends with
Jul 22, 19 at 7:33pm
Jul 22, 19 at 7:34pm
Live because you just can do the live
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