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One Punch Gainz

May 04, 20 at 7:21am
@Acacia @Sparkie I have a professional coach ( Greg Doucette, if you're familiar with him on Youtube ) and be it in scientific literature or experienced bodybuilders, working the same muscle group twice a week is ALWAYS better than once a week for hypertrophy. For one, it lets you fit more volume per week ( good luck fitting 16-20 sets per muscle, which is the ideal zone for growth, with only 1 workout a week for each ), and second, hitting a muscle elevates rates of protein synthesis in the muscle for ~48h, so the logical thing to do is to hit each muscle group every 3 days. As for the Arnold split, I hit arms on a separate day because my strong points are my chest/shoulders/back, I've had trouble building arms, and I'm still adding shoulders to that workout because I'm aiming for that aesthetic V look, so honestly if you have different goals or you naturally have good ( or normal xd ) arms, you could go with PPL, which is push pull legs twice a week, it goes like this : Monday - chest + triceps (shoulders, optional) Tuesday - back + biceps Wednesday - legs Thursday - chest + triceps (shoulders, optional) Friday - back + biceps Saturday - legs Sunday - rest
May 04, 20 at 7:16pm
No pain no gain. Me and my nephew went hard. Bare knuckles on the bag.
@Sheida Good routine. What is your usual supplement stack? @kungflu@50 While that is good to build up callouses, I would suggest wrappings and gloves if only to be able to go longer and harder. Eventually the knuckles will get bloody, but it will take a lot longer.
May 04, 20 at 7:28pm
I know trust me I wanted gloves but the gym had just opened back up normally they provide gloves but due to the virus they stopped so I had the option to buy me and my nephew gloves from them and my nephew was like naw let's just go bare that's my nephew right there. They didn't have boxing tape either lol. They were happy to see us. Guess they need the money. Paid 100+ for both of our monthly memberships. He didn't know where his gloves were and my ex stole mine. Anyway he and I built some character today. But I will go shopping for a new pair and some tape and he need to find his. I gotta get him some tape.
@kungflu@50 Ah, got it. Now I like the story a lot more. You got to the gym and despite not having the fixings you decided to get your workout done anyways. I like that a lot more than somebody who goes, "Oops, I forgot my *insert item here*." And then they just go home.
May 04, 20 at 7:37pm
Right now I'm cutting, I'm trying to go to 7% if possible so a lot of whey so I don't have to eat chicken breast all day, lot of caffeine ( + a lil bit of yohimbine but that's in my preworkout ), multivitamin, fish oil, and ZMA, but I usually take none of that ( except for the preworkout ), it's just that I'm at the end of my cut and I'm practically on a PSMF rn so my diet is basically whey, chicken, a tiny bit of non starchy greens and coffee. For my usual sups it's really just a lil bit of whey to complement my diet + preworkout I don't take creatine though, never been a fan of it, I feel like I retain too much water on it.
@Sheida Ah, you have a good lean stack going there. Creatine is something you absolutely want to avoid for cutting. Creatine is a major reason I look like that. I use a large amount of Carnivor protein powder. A good 3 scoops for an average workout. Containing 7.5g of creatine. Makes you swell up with water like a cactus, which I know is what you are trying to avoid.
May 04, 20 at 7:54pm
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May 04, 20 at 8:47pm
@dyadka_yar Yeah, this shit made me lose a good amount of strength though, can't wait to get back on that sweet sweet lean bulk But since you're leaning down, are you gonna change powders ?
@Shieda Absolutely. Have one more week of bulking and then it is down to a more sensible whey based powder. I like Carnivor because it is a beef protein isolate. By far the best powder I have used for strength and bulking. However there is the aesthetic issue of it with the high amount of creatine in it. Usually I use GNC's Wheybolic series of whey isolate when trying to slim down.
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