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"Incels and Nice Guys"

This Ded time to move on
Anyway, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that the generic 'nice guyTM' shit isn't a rapist or murderer just because they bitch and moan about getting rejected. It's common sense, and anyone who doesn't get that isn't going to be taught otherwise. They'll continue to follow their beliefs until they fall off the cliff like the other lemmings.
Jul 16, 19 at 4:45am
God, PM, all of your posts are literally killing my eyes. I legitimately cannot understand what you're trying to say. 1) No, I didn't sign a social contract. Hilarious. I'm actually conservative af in a liberal af city, so finding people to sign a social contract with would be pretty difficult. Yes, I know, that was rhetoric. Sucks when people interpret your rhetoric incorrectly doesn't it? 2) Yes, people have always memed nice guys and will always continue to meme nice guys. I remember that shit from over 10 years ago people were memeing "nice guys" and I'm sure I'll continue to be seeing it 10 years from now. So...? 3) I don't know what "Headcanon" I'm "implying." God. Implying? Really? 4) I'm surrounded by people smarter than me every day at college. That's where I frequent. Yes, people are loud and value their opinions in an institute for higher learning. Mind. Fucking. Blown. And yes, my tone has been getting more assholeish as time goes on. I'm blaming it on trying to fucking understand the shit you're trying to say. 5) Lmao, I love how your scale is "nice guy," "great person," or "basic bad person." I am none of those things. I'm a person just trying to do what he thinks is right. Nothing nice, great, basic, or bad about it. I'm not sure what you were trying to say after "basic bad person." I thought about it a lot and I just... I don't know. Yes, I assert myself. Yes, I criticize those that assert being a "nice guy" is a good thing. It's not. Like, I just... I don't know what you're saying... so I hope I got that mostly correct. 6) I'm definitely not connect to a hive mind, but thanks for your concern, lmao.
LOL I won't lie that first line killed me PM said some shit and I was like "I got a U in English, what the fuck are you saying nigga"
Lol lmao lol lmao. Geez. Stop saying I’m praising those “nice guys” that you hate so much. what I was implying not that hard. So yeah, head canon I didn’t fucking scale shit, it’s called a joke. How do you keep on trying to find things that aren’t there in a post meant to bait how you are and figure you out. Like wow, good job not getting a fucking rip
Sorry for miss typing I guess
Jul 16, 19 at 4:57am
Actually nice ones refrain from giving people a lot of trouble, they may not only care about well-being of themselves but also other people’s.
I honestly have no idea what was even wrong with what davidm said back on page 2. How is it anything close to him being an sjw? It's the truth and I don't think it's a condemnation of every person who considers themselves to just be a decent man. There are those types of people who are self-destructive, bitter, horrible at social interaction, have no respect for others yet believe they're entitled to having a relationship because they treat women right. And personally I'd think nothing is wrong with that from a glance The problem ultimately is that some of these people make no effort to address those parts of themselves and become a ACTUAL nice guy rather than a "nice guy", instead they just ruminate on the set of ideas that it's not their fault that people don't like them. It's society's fault for whatever reason. That's where I essentially believe they cross the line, I mean you can't change the body you're born with but you can improve your mind, your physical health, your soul and shape yourself into a person that you can be proud of and nothing is holding you back from that except yourself. That's my take on things
Who is that in response to Enki and I was talking about not understanding cause I'm stupid, not cause of your typos PM
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